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![]() United for Equality and Affirmative Action Legal Defense Fund (UEAALDF) is a coalition of student organizers, activists, and attorneys committed to achieving integration and equality in America. This requires organizing and providing legal support to a new mass, integrated, youth-led civil rights movement that unites black, Latina/o, Asian, Pacific Islander, Arab, Native American, and white in a common struggle for equality. Affiliated with the college, high school, and middle school student organization BAMN (Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary), UEAALDF successfully conducts legal action and organizes protest to achieve its aims. From 1997 to 2003, UEAALDF spearheaded the historic pro-affirmative-action student intervention in the landmark Grutter v. Bollinger case and organized the 50,000-person March on Washington that succeeded at getting the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold affirmative action in colleges and universities throughout the nation. We stand at a crucial juncture in race relations in America. Either we revive the struggle of Martin Luther King for genuine integration and equality, or we witness a New Jim Crow—a new, more hypocritical version of separate and unequal under the guise of "post-racial" politics. Contribute to UEAALDF today to move America forward. UEAALDF is comprised mainly of student and youth activists who abound in leadership ability and determination, but lack adequate financial support. Below is more information about UEAALDF's current work. UEAALDF is a 501(c)(3) organization. Checks may be made out to UEAALDF and mailed to P.O. Box 24462, Detroit, MI 48224. Credit card donations may be made online [link to donation site]. You are also encouraged to become a UEAALDF official sponsor by making a monthly donation at whatever level is right for you – just download, complete and mail in the attached form [click for form]. Defending Affirmative Action and IntegrationUEAALDF has been fighting in the courts and in the streets to stop the right wing's effort to affirmative action and the gains of the Civil Rights Movement. In Arizona in summer 2008, a small group of student activists with BAMN (an affiliate of UEAALDF), working on only a shoestring budget, defeated a multimillion-dollar fraudulent ballot petition drive by California Republican Ward Connerly that aimed to qualify an anti-affirmative-action initiative for the state ballot. This stunning victory was achieved through petition blocking and public protest, and speaking out about the initiative's fraud and racist aims. UEAALDF is now pursuing a federal lawsuit that can overturn state bans on affirmative action in California (Prop 209), Washington (Initiative 200ntar), and Florida (One Florida Initiative) and strengthen affirmative action and integration nationwide. In November 2006, UEAALDF filed a federal challenge against Ward Connerly's anti-affirmative-action Michigan constitutional amendment, Proposal 2, and is organizing educational tours to mobilize students across the country to win this case. See UEAALDF's videotaped deposition of anti-affirmative-action activist Ward Connerly In December 19, 2008, UEAALDF scored a victory defending the voluntary K-12 school desegregation plan of Los Angeles. UEAALDF mobilized hundreds of students and won the right to enter the case on their behalf, and argued aggressively for the preservation of Brown v. Board of Education. By using this method Ending Separate and Unequal Treatment for Immigrants: We Are All AmericaJustice for Jesús Gutiérrez ![]() On April 29, 2009, Jesús Gutiérrez, a UC-Berkeley custodial worker and rank-and-file union activist, was arrested by university police and reported to ICE immigration authorities. UEAALDF is organizing to stop his deportation and to establish UC-Berkeley as the nation's first sanctuary campus, forbidding its police from collaborating with ICE. UEAALDF is giving leadership to the potentially immense and powerful struggle for immigrant rights, organizing youth action to win the Dream Act, win a national Cesar Chavez Holiday, and to establish sanctuary schools and cities across the country. After BAMN student leaders organized walkouts in Los Angeles public schools on Cesar Chavez's birthday demanding that the school district honor the state's official Cesar Chavez holiday, the district voted March 24, 2009 to establish the holiday. UEAALDF's current work to win the California and Federal Dream Acts (which would end the discriminatory denial of college financial aid for undocumented immigrant students) is an opportunity to advance the struggle against racism and for equal educational opportunity in America. defeat these attacks. On the legal front, we have filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court defending K-12 desegregation [click for brief -- Abobe PDF file]Summer Leadership Project 2009In summer 2009, UEAALDF is holding the Summer Leadership Project (SLP) to train student and youth leaders from across the country in the political knowledge and skills they need to be mass leaders of their schools and communities. Studying and looking critically at the examples of great leaders from the past such as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Frederick Douglass, the students in SLP learn the methods that are crucial to building the new civil rights movement today.We Need Your SupportStopping Racist Police Brutality: Justice for Oscar Grant ![]() On New Year's Eve 2009, Oscar Grant, a 22-year-old father and resident of Hayward, CA, was murdered—on videos which have been viewed across the nation—by transit police, shot in the back while lay face down in full compliance. UEAALDF is organizing a community movement to win justice for Grant and stop the official effort to secure the police officer's acquittal. Please make a generous donation today. UEAALDF is a 501(c)(3) organization. Checks may be made out to UEAALDF and mailed to P.O. Box 24462, Detroit, MI 48224. Credit card donations may be made online [link to donation site]. You are also encouraged to become a UEAALDF official sponsor by making a monthly donation at whatever level is right for you – just download, complete and mail in the attached form [click for form].
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